Film Concerts

Dark Star

A film-concert by Ropoporose

Darkstar summary and history : First film of John Carpenter released in 1974, Dark Star is a true curiosity SF, vintage vehicle of all the film coming from the director. Long gone unnoticed, the film has since come out in cinemas, notably on the occasion of the festival Traveling in 1999 and the Cannes Film Festival in 2000. Filled with a parodic psychedelism assumed, Dark Star derides with homage to great works of the kind (2001: The Space Odyssey) while announcing future successes (Star (...)

Contact >
Benoit Gaucher
(+33) 06 46 34 20 78


Live Cinéma

Psychedelic electro odyssey, Déjà-Vu is a Live Cinema Mumblecore creation (DIY)

Contact >
Sébastien Rozé
(+33) 06 63 32 35 78


Ciné-concert by Fragments

The arctic atomosphere of the movie and its frozen, barren landscapes echo back to Fragments’ music. But obviously, the band members were seduced by Coen brothers’ dry, dark, of-the-wall humor as well : this particular balance embodies perfectly the trio’s artistic sensivity.

Contact >
Sébastien Rozé
(+33) 06 63 32 35 78

Les Mondes Futurs

NeirdA & Z3ro feat. Stephen Besse

THINGS TO COME is, at first, a novel written by H.G. Wells, great british author and pioneer of the Science-Fiction (The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, The Invisible Man...). Must-see rare Masterpiece, THINGS TO COME is also an anticipation movie of a troubling relevance, a prophetic vision of our time and of our relation to the technological progress, and an anti-war pamphlet.

Contact >
Sébastien Rozé
(+33) 06 63 32 35 78

Little Fugitive

A film concert by Pierre Fablet

A film concert by Pierre Fablet for young audience

Contact >
Sébastien Rozé
(+33) 06 63 32 35 78

The Prisoner

A film-concert by NeirdA & Z3ro

Rediscover the first episode « Arrival » revisited by the versatile duo NeirdA & Z3ro in a most imaginative film-concert

Contact >
Sébastien Rozé
(+33) 06 63 32 35 78

Totorro and Friends

Game-concert Another World

When two of the musicians of the band Totorro invite two friiends to pay tribute and especially put their musical and sound look on the video game world.
Not a movies-concert but a "game-concert", around the precursory game Another World, who marked a whole generation.

Contact >
Benoit Gaucher
(+33) 06 46 34 20 78

One of the major movie of photographer and filmmaker Chris Marker revisited by a detonating trio: Chapelier Fou, Matt Elliott and saxophonist-clarinetist Maxime Tisserand.

Contact >
Benoit Gaucher
(+33) 06 46 34 20 78


A film-concert by Puce Moment

A film-concert by Puce Moment

Contact >
Sebastien Rozé
(+33) 06 63 32 35 78